The type of home you have will dictate the type of HVAC system that’s the best fit. There are several things to consider, including your budget and the age and condition of the home. Here’s a quick look at the different types of air conditioning systems available for Florida homeowners.
Central Air Conditioning
In most cases, central air conditioning systems will make the most sense. These include a single unit in the home that absorbs air through intakes and cools the air and then spreads it throughout the home via a series of ducts. Florida summers are punishingly hot, and central air is the most energy-efficient option for virtually every home.
Most heat pumps and household HVAC systems can be expected to run for 10 to 12 years, but if you follow the proper preventive maintenance schedule, you might be able to extend the life of your unit. You also don’t have to wait until the unit goes completely out to make an upgrade. An older unit costs more to run than newer and more energy-efficient models, and many manufacturers offer rebates and other incentives.
Window-Mounted Units
Window-mounted air conditioning units range from inexpensive models at hardware and home improvement stores to large units that require professional installation. They’re designed to fit securely into both single- and double-hung windows.
A portable window-mounted unit is a nice thing to have if you rent your home or apartment because it can go with you at the end of your lease. Just be sure to secure the unit properly. You should also use caution when using a window-mounted unit if you live in a downstairs apartment because an improperly secured unit can be vulnerable to theft.
Ductless HVAC Systems
A ductless or mini-split system works like a heat pump, but it doesn’t require ductwork. Instead, it uses an outdoor air compressor to take in warm air and to blow out cool air. A ductless or mini-split system is a great option if you want to install an AC into an older home without installing ductwork.
Brisk Air offers the full range and scope of professional heating and cooling services in Coral Springs. From indoor air quality testing to heating and cooling installation, repair, and maintenance, Brisk Air can do it all. Contact us today if you have any questions about your HVAC system.