Electric vs. Gas Furnaces: Which Is Right for Your Home?

December 5, 2024

If you want to upgrade your home in Coral Springs, FL with a new furnace, you have two core options: electric and gas. Electric furnaces use coils to warm the air before forcing it into the home. Gas-burning furnaces have a combustion system and heat exchanger. Let’s explore the pros and cons of these options. Initial Costs Electric furnaces are usually less expensive, and they’re easier and more affordable to install. Gas furnaces tend to cost more and are more complex and expensive to install. If conversion is necessary, the additional labor and

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From Belts to Blowers: Understanding the Key Components of Your Furnace

October 21, 2024

A gas furnace consists of numerous different components and is far more complex than most people realize. For a furnace to run and heat effectively, all the components need to be in good shape and work correctly. Draft Inducer and Pressure Switch When the thermostat signals a gas furnace that it needs to run, the first thing that happens is that the furnace’s draft inducer turns on. The main purpose of the draft inducer is to pull the hot combustion fumes the burners produce up through the heat exchanger and then ensure they flow outside

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Can a Heat Pump Be Used as a Water Heater?

November 16, 2022

Heat pumps are the best and most cost-efficient heating option in Florida and other warmer climates, but there is a lot that most people don’t know about these units. One of the most common questions we hear is whether a heat pump can also serve as a water heater, and the answer is that it depends on the specific type of heat pump. The vast majority of heat pumps can only be used to warm your home, but there are some hybrid units that can also function as water heaters. Here is a quick overview of how they work.

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Should I Use a Space Heater Instead of a Furnace?

March 15, 2022

Are you considering using a space heater to heat your home this winter? With your furnace likely skyrocketing your energy bills, it’s understandable to consider cheaper alternatives. Here’s what you need to know about space heaters and furnaces. Furnace A furnace will heat an entire house to a set temperature. This system protects your home from the worst of the cold weather. However, older houses often struggle with cold spots and drafty rooms that never heat up all the way. A furnace also costs a lot to run each day and requires regular maintenance to ensure

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Preventing Carbon Monoxide Leaks in Your Furnace

January 12, 2022

Your furnace performs a critical function in your home, providing a safe and comfortable temperature for your family and guests. V Carbon monoxide is an odorless gas that poses many health risks when inhaled, causing dizziness, loss of consciousness, and other symptoms. What Creates a Carbon Monoxide Leak? Carbon monoxide forms when your furnace fails to completely burn fuel. Incomplete combustion inside the furnace leads to a buildup of carbon monoxide that circulates throughout the home. This buildup is often caused by a crack in a flue pipe or the heat exchanger.

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Getting Your Home Ready for a Furnace Replacement

November 18, 2021

When it becomes time to replace your existing furnace, it can be exciting thinking about getting a totally new one. However, there are some tasks that you’ll want to perform to get your home prepared for the furnace replacement process. Consult a Heating Expert Once you’ve decided that it’s time to get your furnace replaced, it’s time to contact a heating professional. They can evaluate your home and needs to determine which furnace model is right for your home. During your consultation is the perfect time to set up an installation date and ask what

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5 Tips to Help Focus on Lower Heating Costs

September 17, 2021

Sometimes, it is hard to think about all the great things about winter when faced with heating costs that increase your energy bills. However, whether it is a mild winter or simply when a fluke storm hits, it is crucial to ensure that your heating system is ready before the winter months. Scheduling heating maintenance in Coral Springs with Brisk Air can be helpful. But there are also everyday actions you can take to save. Consider these tips to ensure that you are ready for whatever weather winter brings and keep your heating bill as low as possible.

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What Would We Do Without Furnaces?

November 18, 2020

Every once in a while, it is important to allow yourself to be impressed by seemingly normal items. Otherwise, you might take those objects for granted. The furnace in your Coral Springs home is certainly one of those “normal items” that deserves some appreciation. Take a moment, then, to understand just how far home heating has come with this brief history. No Collecting If you were alive 100 years ago or more, your house almost certainly would have been heated by wood or coal that you were responsible for collecting. In addition, you would have

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How Does a Thermostat Work?

February 10, 2020

We’ve all used thermostats before, but only when something goes wrong do most of us stop to consider how they actually work. Whether you’re dealing with a current problem or simply curious about these useful devices, you’ll learn the basics about thermostats by reading below. The Meaning of “Thermostat” “Thermo” means heat, and “stat” means to stay the same. Therefore, “thermostat” means to keep the temperature the same. When you set your thermostat to 70 degrees in the winter, for example, the heat will turn on whenever you go below that mark. When you

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The Pros and Cons of Space Heaters

November 19, 2019

Space heaters may be effective tools to help keep your home warm when the temperature starts to drop. However, they may not always be the best solution to meet your heating needs. Let’s look at what you should consider before deciding whether or not to purchase one. Space Heaters May Be More Efficient A space heater can be more efficient because it can deliver heat only where you need it. Therefore, you will waste less energy heating seldom-used rooms or rooms that stay warm enough on their own. Ultimately, this means that you will save

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