Will Air Purifiers Help with Musty Smell?

August 16, 2020

Many unused spaces or bathrooms can develop a musty odor over time. This odor is the result of mold growth and can indicate harmful odors and particulates circulating in your home. Having an air purifier in your home can help remove the musty odor of mold as well as a wide variety of other strong smells that could make your home a less pleasant place to spend time. Benefits of Quality Air Purification A quality air purification system can not only remove odors from the air in your home but can keep it clean as

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The Benefits of Indoor Air Quality

July 20, 2020

It’s easy to take the air around us for granted. However, poor quality air really isn’t good for our health or productivity. For 2020 and beyond, let us take a very close look at the benefits of indoor air quality. Physical Health To start things off, good indoor air quality leads to strong physical health. More and more homeowners are turning to workout equipment in their home for convenience. When attempting strenuous exercises, you don’t want to be breathing in low-quality air. This will only make it more taxing on your muscles and cause damage to

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6 Tips To Improve Indoor Air Quality

July 1, 2020

Updated: June 25, 2024 Musty or polluted air in your Plantation home can have a detrimental impact on your health. Poor indoor air quality has been linked to lung disease, asthma, and even fatigue. The team at Brisk Air explain some ways you can undertake to improve your home’s air quality Ventilate You need to have fresh air going through your home to have good air quality. A simple option is to open some doors or windows. If you live in a city, though, you might be letting in potentially toxic air.

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Summertime Indoor Air Quality Concerns

June 17, 2020

Summer can be quite tough on your indoor air quality. While the warm weather aids in outdoor fun, the air inside your home can suffer from a buildup of irritating allergens and potentially harmful pollutants. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to alleviate these problematic indoor air issues. Here are three of the biggest effects of summer on your indoor air quality. 1. Increased Pollen There’s not much you can do about the amount of pollen that’s outdoors. However, the outside air is circulating and being refreshed by the wind. Inside your home is another

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How to Change a Thermostat Battery

May 14, 2020

Programmable and smart thermostats use a battery to provide power to their touchscreens. If the battery’s charge drops too low, the thermostat will stop working. Knowing how to change a thermostat battery can help you to prevent comfort disruptions in your Coral Springs, FL, home. Verify the Battery Requirements Different makes and models of thermostats use various types of batteries. The owner’s manual for your thermostat should explain which type to use and how many of them you need. The manual may also recommend a specific brand of battery. If it does, be sure to use

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How to Prevent Costly HVAC Repairs

April 17, 2020

A well-running HVAC system is crucial to maintaining comfort in your home. A system breakdown can leave you and your loved ones in quite a predicament. In addition, repair or replacement costs can be expensive. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to prevent breakdowns. Take a look at these tips to prevent costly HVAC repairs. 1. Get Seasonal Tune-Ups You should have your HVAC system checked in both the fall and the spring to make sure things are in tip-top shape. In the fall, a technician will check over your heating system.

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Why Is Indoor Air Quality Worse Than Outdoor?

March 8, 2020

Did you know that indoor air, on average, has two to five times as many pollutants as outdoor air according to the EPA? Outdoor air might seem like it’s filled with smoke, dust, and exhaust, but it is actually much cleaner than the air inside your house. Understanding why indoor air quality is so poor will help you take steps to fix the problem and get cleaner air. Mold and Bacterial Growths The simple act of having a lot of moisture in the air can lead to indoor air quality problems since most homes are not

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How Does a Thermostat Work?

February 10, 2020

We’ve all used thermostats before, but only when something goes wrong do most of us stop to consider how they actually work. Whether you’re dealing with a current problem or simply curious about these useful devices, you’ll learn the basics about thermostats by reading below. The Meaning of “Thermostat” “Thermo” means heat, and “stat” means to stay the same. Therefore, “thermostat” means to keep the temperature the same. When you set your thermostat to 70 degrees in the winter, for example, the heat will turn on whenever you go below that mark. When you

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Symptoms of a Dirty Coil

January 11, 2020

Cleanliness is definitely a virtue when it comes to your home’s HVAC system. While you may already be aware of the importance of regularly cleaning and replacing your air filter, the work doesn’t stop there. Similar to a dirty or clogged air filter, your evaporator coil may also cause a noticeable change in your HVAC system if it is in need of a good cleaning. At Brisk Air, our knowledgeable technicians will equip you with the knowledge you need to keep your HVAC system running efficiently. Call on our Coral Springs-based team for:

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Home Comfort Resolutions for 2020

December 20, 2019

Is your home not as comfortable as you’d like? Perhaps comfort is all right but it costs more than you’d like. Let us consider some resolutions that can make a difference in 2020. Invest in a Smart Thermostat Brisk Air has provided a full range of heating, cooling, and other home comfort services to Coral Springs and its neighboring communities since 1972. A smart thermostat is our leading recommendation because such devices are relatively inexpensive and make a big difference with comfort and cost. Learn Your Smart Thermostat Take the time to

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